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HomeAttractions touristiquesNatureCzartowe Pole Nature Reserve

Czartowe Pole Nature Reserve


Type d'unité:

The Czartowe Pole Nature Reserve is named after a legendary meadow on which the devils (czarty) were once believed to dance and play.

Czartowe Pole is a landscape and forest reserve.

It includes the Sopot River gorge cutting through the border of Roztocze.

Across the river bed there are numerous rock rapids of tertiary sandstone.

There is a four-kilometre hiking path leading from the parking area next to the reserve, marked blue.

While hiking you will come across the ruins of an old iron-mill (an old forge) of the Zamoyski Family Fee Tail, and partisans’ graves.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

Kazimierz Dolny
La latitude et la longitude: 50.4806,22.7841

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