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HomeAttractions touristiquesA monument of Captain of Cavalry – Moczulski

A monument of Captain of Cavalry – Moczulski


Type d'unité:

A Captain of Cavalry Wiktor Maciej Moczulski (1900 – 1939) died on 25th of September at 3 p.m. nearby Dolistowo (30m away from the Biebrza river).

A Captain of Cavalry Wiktor Maciej Moczulski (1900 – 1939) died on 25th of September at 3 p.m. nearby Dolistowo (30m away from the Biebrza river). Moczulski's squadron  was attacked by the Soviet armoured units. The monument was erected thanks to the initiative of Arkadiusz Studniarek and Józef Janewicz.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

Dolistowo Stare
La latitude et la longitude: 53.55,22.9

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