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Beauty spots in Smolniki


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Suwalski Park Krajobrazowy
Malesowizna - Turtul 24
16-404 Malesowizna - Turtul

The most spectacular open-air panoramas in Suwalszczyzna with the views of lake complexes and the region’s symbol – Mount Cisowa as well as a considerable part of the Suwałki Landscape Park.
Everyone who comes to Smolniki cannot omit the two beauty spots from which the most spectacular panoramas of the Suwałki Landscape Park and the whole Suwalszczyzna can be admired. Both places have been used as outdoor locations in films (Pan Tadeusz, The Issa Valley)
The first one reveals vast landscapes of the Lakes Kleszczowieckie (with their exotic names: Purwin, Kojle, Perty) and of the Mounts Cisowa and Krzemieniucha. The beauty spot called ‘Pan Tadeusz’ has a view platform, the entrance is payable, there is a possibility of renting binoculars. This is also where an educational trail “Around Lake Jaczno” begins.
The second beauty spot, in the heart of the village, situated on the esker rampart, offers wonderful views of the ‘pearl’ of the Suwałki Landscape Park – Lake Jaczno. At the foot of the esker there is an information board of an educational trail.The village is very attractive as far as tourism is concerned – a good transport connection, a car park, tourist accommodation (private ones and a hostel), walking, bike and ski trails. A reconstructed timber chapel (XVIII-XIX century) in the old local cemetery is worth visiting.

localization-imgCarte de localisation:

La latitude et la longitude: 54.2876,22.8802
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Office National Polonais de Tourisme
10 rue Saint-Augustin
75002 Paris
tél.: 01 42 44 19 00